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Perceiving Reality as One.

by John Burch
(Mountain View, California, USA)

I think this idea of perceiving reality as one is both vital and difficult. Vital in the sense that, without it we will cause untold suffering on this planet. Difficult in that the ego, and our culture, run against this shift in perception.

LoveShift is a way to think about this change. The hypothesis behind LoveShift, (and the LoveShift Web site) is that thinking has power, and that, if a crital mass of beings will begin to see themselves from the perspective of the whole, and act for the benefit of all life, then our culture will begin to evolve, and global community will result.

Hopefully, we will get enough shifted minds and hearts to make this transformation a reality - before it's too late.

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Feb 09, 2011
Conversations can help...
by: Anonymous

Sometimes it seems that perception is more important than reality, as humans act based on what they believe to be true, rather than on objective reality.

What to do?

One thing we can do is to have conversations with others. By talking with one another, we benefit from their views, and thus broaden our perspective.

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