jQuery UI Tooltip - Default functionality


by Ginny
(Palo Alto, CA, USA)

Being aware that I (we) exist in relationship with everything is a statement of reality. How does knowing that I am always in relationship contribute to any concrete solution to any of our problems?

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Aug 04, 2014
Concrete Solutions to our Problems
by: John

Knowing that we are in relationship -- how does this contribute to concrete solutions to our problems?

My answer would be that it gives us a most universal perspective on the functionality of the Cosmos. If we are to fashion ANY initiatives, they will certainly be more successful if they conform to the physics of the Universe itself.

So, whatever is imagined as being useful, from digging wells in Africa, conserving water in California, will be more effective, I think, if it is understood from this most fundament perspective.

Specifically, regarding conserving water in California. If the principle that we are all in eternal relationship with each other, and together with the planet, then the conservation effort should be considered in the context of the whole earth water issue.

That would be the place to start. As many videos express, There is only One Water.

If the Earth does not solve its water issues, it is useless for California to solve its problems in the absence of a more global dialogue.

Aug 04, 2014
The Big Pieces to the Emerging Puzzle
by: John

We have talked about the bomb (knowing that we could destroy ourselves in an instant), view of Earth from space, and the Internet, as three major new levels of awareness for humankind.

Now, I would add two others:

1. Knowing that we have come from one source.
2. Knowing that we are in relationship all the time, everywhere.

That makes five new "units" of consciousness. I wonder if there are others which we would call FUNDAMENTAL??


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